Non-narcotic options for chronic pain

Chronic pain is pain persisting more than 90 days. It can be mild to severe, short-lived to long-lived, or an annoyance to debilitating. Approximately 100 million people in the United States have chronic pain. Half of those people (50 million) experience pain daily. Furthermore, the pain is so severe that it corresponds to a pain scale score greater than or equal to seven out of ten.

We have seen a staggering increase in opiate painkiller use over the last decade. As people become physically and psychologically dependent on opiates, a vicious cycle of misuse and abuse develops. We’ve got millions struggling with painkiller addiction and millions more have turned to heroin as a “more affordable” alternative once buying pills on the street becomes too costly.

Comments: We are working with Smart Pharmacy in Jacksonville, Florida. They compound a complete line of safe and powerful, non-narcotic prescription analgesic creams. They are applied topically at the site of pain, such as the low back, hip, knee, shoulder, face, and head (headaches). This concentrates the pain relief where it is needed most, minimizes drug tolerance, and avoids the dangerous systemic side effects associated with narcotic pain pills. For people suffering from chronic pain, these special creams are a Godsend! If you are someone you love suffers from chronic pain, we can help.