The perfect Christmas present: The gift of proper breathing

If you want an idea for the perfect holiday gift, consider the Danish-made Relaxator™ breathing device. It is a small and user-friendly device that can help improve one’s breathing habits. It is very easy to use. Simply place the Relaxator™ in your mouth, take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale through the Relaxator™ as it slows and controls the release of exhaled air.

Benefits from regular use of the Relaxator™ include:

  • Promotes abdominal breathing​: The Relaxator™ promotes diaphragmatic breathing, ensuring that inhaled air reaches further down into the lungs. Using the diaphragm makes the process of breathing more efficient.
  • Induces more rhythmic breathing​: The rhythm of the heart follows the breathing rhythm. If the breathing rhythm is irregular, it has a negative effect on the heart. The Relaxator™ device helps to maintain a breathing pattern that is more rhythmical and calmer, thereby reducing stress, anxiety, and anger.
  • Improves oxygenation and reduces fatigue: When we breathe improperly, the body suffers from a lack of lack of oxygen. The organs that are most adversely affected are the brain, heart, muscles, and eyes. Regular use of the Relaxator™ results in increased oxygen uptake, thereby increasing energy levels and mental focus.
  • Reduces digestive issues: On every inhalation, diaphragmatic breathing increases the intra-abdominal pressure and stimulates the intestines and bowel movements.

The Relaxator™ can be used while working at the computer, driving, cooking, watching television, reading, working in the garden, just before bedtime, and upon awakening. Click here to order the Relaxator™.