Treatment helps restore blood flow

Not to be confused with Plavix, Plaquex was developed in the early 1960s in Switzerland to treat fatty liver disease and dissolve fat emboli during and after trauma surgery. A fat embolus (singular for emboli) is a particle or droplet of fat that travels through the circulation and eventually blocks a blood vessel. Fat emboli are most commonly associated with trauma, such as a bone fracture.

Plaquex contains a mixture of purified phospholipids derived from non-GMO soybeans and is delivered in a series of intravenous infusions. In the 1990s, Plaquex was found to have a remarkable ability to reduce fatty arterial plaques and improve blood flow in the 75,000 miles of blood vessels in the body. The results have been so dramatic, it has become a treatment in its own right (click here).

Not only is Plaquex used to remove fatty and hardened plaque from blood vessels, but it is also used for general anti-aging (health-maintenance) purposes. By observing their patients, many European doctors discovered that the patients started looking younger and healthier after about 20 treatments.

In addition to improving circulation throughout the body, Plaquex also repairs damaged phospholipids in cell membranes so tissues and vital organs can return to better health and function. This is especially important in people over 50, as the body’s own phospholipid synthesis declines with increasing age, thus rendering the body unable to fully repair the constant damage to cell membranes.

In addition to general anti-aging purposes, indications for Plaquex include coronary-artery disease, angina pectoris, peripheral vascular disease, stroke, and carotid-artery obstruction; fatty liver disease; chronic kidney disease; erectile dysfunction; and macular degeneration. European researchers have identified the following therapeutic benefits of Plaquex:

  • Reduces angina pectoris (heart pain)
  • Improves sexual potency (blood flow to the penis)
  • Lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and atherogenic lipoprotein(a)
  • Increases HDL (“good”) cholesterol
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Improves impaired kidney function
  • Reduces claudication and improves walking distance in peripheral vascular disease
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • Reduces homocysteine levels
  • Improves memory and mental function
  • Protects damaged heart muscle
  • Reduces fatty liver disease and improves overall liver function
  • Reduces macular degeneration

For more information on the health benefits of intravenous Plaquex, please read Plaquex Therapy by Dr. Anita Baxas (click here). Depending on the condition, 20-40 treatments are needed and are administered twice weekly. Extremely ill patients may need up to 60 treatments. Treatment takes 90 minutes and costs $375.