Benefits of sleeping naked!

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health, but did you know you can get additional benefits by sleeping naked? It’s true! Here are 10 benefits from slumbering in your birthday suit:

  1. It’s simpler: You don’t have to buy pajamas which translates to saving money and fewer clothes to wash and put away. You may need to wash your bed sheet more often, but not if you take a shower each night before going to bed.
  2. Keeps you active: Some people come home from work and change into their pajamas. This is then used as an excuse to stay home the rest of the evening. This can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle. When you keep your clothes on until bedtime, you are more apt to go out more often.
  3. It increases happiness and a renewed sense of freedom: Without restrictive pajamas, underwear, bras, or panties to worry about, it’s just you in between the cool sheets. The feeling can be quite liberating!
  4. Oxytocin gets a boost: Sleeping naked with your significant other increases the likelihood of some skin-on-skin contact! This can lead to a more active sex life, which in turn can lead to a greater production of the beneficial hormone oxytocin.
  5. Better sleep: Without the distraction of clothes getting tangled and twisted as you turn during the night, you can sleep better.
  6. Your skin can breathe a sigh of relief: Uncovering your genitals, armpits, and feet during the night, gives those areas of the body a chance to air out and breathe. This can lower the chance of skin disease, such as athlete’s foot that results from skin that is dark, moist, and restricted.
  7. Lowers stress hormones: When you sleep naked, it helps keep your body cooler. This results in lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Too much cortisol can lead to anxiety, carb cravings, weight gain, and diabetes.
  8. Increases melatonin and growth hormone: When you keep your body cooler by sleeping naked, you increase your production of melatonin and growth hormone. The extra melatonin can help you sleep better and boosts your immune system. The extra growth hormone can help preserve muscle mass and bone density as you age.
  9. Happier testicles and vaginas: For men, cooler sleeping keeps the testicles operate at their preferred temperature. This results in greater production of testosterone and sperm. For women, the more airy sleeping environment helps reduce the warm, most conditions that lead to vaginal yeast infections.
  10. Summertime is more tolerable: Eliminating bedtime clothing can make it easier to go to sleep during the warm summer months. You may even be able to turn down the air coindtiioner a bit and save some money.