Molecular hydrogen

In 2007, Japanese researchers discovered that molecular hydrogen gas (H2; two hydrogen atoms joined together) can act as a remarkable preventive and therapeutic agent by lowering oxidative stress by selectively reducing the strongest and most damaging oxidant in the body, specifically the hydroxyl radical (•OH). This is a highly unstable molecule that causes significant and widespread damage to cells.

Free radicals and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed from normal and essential metabolic processes in the body. ROS are generated when breathing oxygen in order for the mitochondria to generate ATP (the energy molecule of the body). Excess ROS can also be caused by exposure to various toxins, such as prescription drugs, pesticides, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, cigarette smoke, and air pollution.

Oxidative stress occurs when the amount of ROS becomes excessive and cannot be adequately neutralized by the body’s antioxidant defenses, namely glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. Oxidative stress and the resultant inflammation is a major underlying cause and/or the result of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, traumatic brain injury, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, septicemia (blood infection), hearing loss, macular degeneration, heart attack, hypertension, stroke, hepatitis, obstructive jaundice, ulcerative colitis, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic fatigue, cancer, allergic conditions, and even the aging process itself (click here).

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is unique. It has been found to be potent enough to neutralize the strongest oxidants, yet mild enough not to disturb metabolic reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions, nor disturb weaker oxidants that act as important cell-signaling molecules, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the oxide radical ion (•O-). Traditional anti-oxidant vitamin supplements, on the other hand, can be harmful because they have been found to interfere with cell-signaling molecules that communicate with the body’s immune system.

Because of its low molecular weight, H2 diffuses rapidly and uniformly throughout the body, including crossing the blood-brain barrier. It penetrates deep into tissues and cells and effectively reaches the nucleus and mitochondria. The resultant anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory protection of nuclear DNA and mitochondria are where the main benefits of H2 take place. Traditional anti-oxidant vitamin supplements, on the other hand, have little or no benefit because the molecules are too large to effectively reach the nucleus and mitochondria.

H2 can be administered intravenously, orally, topically, and by inhalation, and by increasing the production of intestinal H2 by gut bacteria. For oral administration, it is recommended to drink 32 ounces per day of hydrogen-infused water. To purchase the needed device, click here.

Owing to its great efficacy and lack of adverse effects, H2 has remarkable potential for preventive and therapeutic use against a wide variety of diseases associated with oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as slowing the aging process. For more information, visit the website of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation (click here).

Comments: The antibiotic era began in the early 1940s with the clinical use of penicillin. The golden age of antibiotics appears to be coming to an end when bacteria no longer respond to our strongest drugs. This represents one of the greatest threats facing mankind. A promising new therapy for incurable and life-threatening infections may prove to be a combination of inhalable molecular hydrogen and oxygen (click here). My patients have access to this and other potentially life-saving therapies.