Fundamentals of cancer prevention

Increasing age is the #1 risk factor for cancer. A growing body of evidence supports the hypothesis that by slowing the aging process, you may delay or prevent the onset or recurrence of cancer and many other chronic diseases (click here). 

Slowing aging centers around changes in diet1; improving oxidative mitochondrial function2; promoting effective immunity3; increasing microcirculation and tissue oxygenation4; promoting tissue alkalinity5; enhancing detoxification6; improving gut health7; reducing oxidative stress8, inflammation9, and exposure to environmental toxins10; eradicating senescent cells11; promoting sound sleep12 and physical fitness13, and reducing stress14. Together, this helps create a more tumor-resistant environment in the body. 

  1. Whole-food, plant-based (click here).
  2. R-lipoic acid (click here; one capsule twice daily), Optimized Carnitine (click here; one capsule twice daily), CoQ10 (click here; one daily), NADH (click here; one daily), Phospholipid Complex (click here; one daily), and dichloroacetate (click here; 100-150 mg stirred in a glass of water Monday-Thursday).
  3. Life Extension Immune Senescence Protection Formula (click here; one capsule twice daily).
  4. LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast system 2-3 days per week (click here). Use with an Assault Airbike (click here)
  5. Sodium bicarbonate: ½ teaspoon in 4 oz water, four times daily on an empty stomach.
  6. Adequate hydration and regular use of a medical-grade sauna (click here).
  7. Specialized probiotic (click here; once daily) and prebiotic (click here; one scoop twice daily).
  8. Molecular hydrogen (click here; drink 2 bottles per day).
  9. Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators (click here; one daily with food).
  10. Eat food with organically-grown ingredients, use purified water to drink and cook with, and use a shower filter to bathe with (click here).
  11. Life Extension Senolytic Activator (click here; follow label instructions).
  12. Alpha-Stim device: FDA-approved to improve sleep by simulating meditation by stimulating alpha brain waves (click here).
  13. Strength-training (click here). I recommend the 30-Minute Express Workout, 2-3 days per week at your local Planet Fitness (click here).
  14. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like, such as having sex more often, soaking in a hot tub, visiting a friend, playing with your dog (if you don’t have a dog, adopt one; unconditional love is priceless), listening to soothing music, watching a funny movie, learning to meditate, getting a massage, counting to ten before losing your temper, and avoiding difficult people whenever possible.