Dangers of drinking bottled water

Americans buy half a billion bottles of water per week. That more than enough to circle to planet five times over! People drink bottled water because they think it is better than tap water. There’s no valid reason to believe that bottled water is safer than tap water, and new studies confirm this.

A recent German-led study found that a single container of bottled water contained nearly 25,000 separate chemicals. Lab testing by the American-led Environmental Working Group found that popular brands of bottled water contains a myriad of pollutants, including bacteria, pesticides, herbicides (including Roundup), Tylenol and other drugs, endocrine-disrupting industrial chemicals, and cancer-causing chlorination byproducts.

Comments: I am not a fan of either bottled water or tap water. I recommend purifying your own water using either a reverse-osmosis system or a high-quality filter such as the Berkey system. And instead of drinking from a plastic bottle, drink your filtered water from a stainless steel or glass bottle.