Plant-Purified Air: The Surprising Benefits of Indoor Plants in Combating Illness

A new study suggests that a home filled with plants might actually help protect against illnesses, including COVID-19. Kristian Dubrawski, a co-author of the study, stated, “This is a solid proof-of-concept study on the potential of plants to help purify the air. Indoor plants could aid in neutralizing harmful bacteria and viruses, such as airborne COVID-19, in homes and workplaces.”

During photosynthesis, plants generate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which plays a role in atmospheric purification according to the report. H2O2 is a chemical commonly used in disinfectants and hair bleaching. Hydrogen production by plants could have implications for indoor air quality. The amount of hydrogen peroxide generated varies among plant species and types, likely due to differences in photosynthesis and transpiration rates (transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from leaves, stems, and flowers).

Comments: As more supporting evidence emerges, people might be more inclined to adopt low-cost solutions like buying additional plants, perhaps as an alternative to wearing masks or practicing social distancing.

Reference: Samadi S, Sharifyazd S, Cabling L, et al. Spontaneous generation of exogenous hydrogen peroxide by plants. Research Square; 2023.