Blueprints for Bliss: Dan Buettner’s Eight Habits for a Happier Life

Happiness, often perceived as elusive, can actually be influenced by our daily habits. Dan Buettner, a respected author, and National Geographic fellow, has dedicated his career to studying the lifestyle habits of the world’s oldest populations, identifying areas known as ‘Blue Zones’ where people enjoy remarkably long lives. These zones are located in Sardinia, Italy; Ikaria, Greece; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; and Okinawa, Japan.

In a recent social media post (click here), Mr. Buettner turned his focus to the habits of the world’s happiest people. He shared eight straightforward practices that are reportedly key to maintaining a positive mood and long-term happiness. These range from getting enough sleep to regular social interactions. Here are the eight lifestyle changes you can adopt to boost your happiness:

  1. Aim for 8 hours of sleep: Buettner emphasizes the crucial role of sleep in happiness, suggesting that the happiest people get 8 to 9.5 hours of sleep daily. This is supported by research from Harvard Medical School, which links sleep quality to mood and well-being.
  2. Start with a plant-based breakfast: A morning meal free from meat and dairy, avoiding sugary and fatty foods, can set a positive tone for the day.
  3. Daily socializing: Regular interaction with friends is vital for happiness. Engaging in several hours of socializing daily can significantly uplift your mood.
  4. Volunteer regularly: Giving back to the community is associated with increased happiness, life satisfaction, and reduced depression symptoms.
  5. Incorporate naps: Short naps can enhance focus, productivity, creativity, and, as per recent findings, happiness.
  6. Consider working part-time: Working less than 35 hours a week is associated with higher happiness levels, provided basic financial needs are met.
  7. Engage in a faith community: Active participation in any faith community is linked to greater happiness.
  8. Limit TV and social media: Around 30 minutes daily of TV and social media is optimal for maintaining a good mental state.

These insights, while varying slightly from some conventional health guidelines, offer a holistic approach to achieving a happier life.