Cancer stem cells

This subset of cancer cells are also known as tumor-initiating cells (TICs) and tumor-survival cells (TSCs). Many experts believe that successful eradication of cancer stem cells (CSCs) could revolutionize the treatment of cancer. Not only are CSCs the main driver of distant metastasis, treatment failure, and disease recurrence, CSCs may also be the root cause of the original tumor itself (click here). Because of the numerous and robust survival mechanisms of CSCs, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are unable to kill them. In fact, conventional therapy can do the exact opposite and stimulate the proliferation and virulence of CSCs.

CSCs can migrate and nest in various areas of the body and remain dormant for months, years, or even decades until the right stimulus comes along and awakens them. While conventional therapy can eradicate the bulk (main) tumor cells, sooner or later, lingering CSCs can form new and often more aggressive tumors from a small number of cells (as few as 100). In other words, being “tumor-free” is not the same as being “cancer-free.” Eradicating the bulk tumor cells is not enough. CSCs must also be eradicated to achieve long-term survival.

Comments from Dr. Thomas: At present, there are no drugs that are FDA-approved to specifically target CSCs. To address this urgent need, we are pioneering the use of repurposed medicines and plant-derived compounds that have been shown to target CSCs by directly killing them and/or preventing them from entering a dormant and more resistant state. To learn more, visit