The benefits of chelation therapy

The intravenous therapies available at my office are bringing new hope and new options to those suffering from life-altering or life-threatening illness, as well as to those wanting to improve their general health. Last week, I told you about a remarkable intravenous compound called Plaquex (click here). Previously, I told you about oxidative therapy using intravenous ozone (click here). I now want to tell you about the health benefits of chelation therapy.

Chelation (pronounced key-LAY-shun) therapy is a treatment to remove toxic metals from the body, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. It involves intravenous infusions of a chelating agent, often EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a synthetic amino acid. EDTA attaches itself to the metals and together they both move to the kidneys where they are eliminated from the body and excreted in the urine (click here to find out about testing for heavy-metal toxicity).

The human body was designed to be a self-cleaning organism. Unfortunately, modern living exposes us to an abundance of chemical and toxic metals coming from air pollution, pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables, food additives, chemicals in the water, antibiotics in meat, gasoline fumes, cigarette smoke, alcohol, plasticizers, medications, dental fillings, and chemicals in cosmetics and household cleaning products. Due to their abundance and pervasiveness, these toxins build up and can overwhelm your body’s ability to fully detoxify. Over time, this can cause damage to the brain, heart, blood vessels, bones, and the immune system.

Chelation is scientifically proven to remove toxic metals from the body. Benefits can include:

  • Reduced oxidative-stress (decreased free-radical activity)
  • Reduced chronic inflammation
  • Decrease in total cholesterol and increase in HDL (“good” cholesterol)
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Decreased blood sugar levels
  • Improved circulation
  • Decreased joint pain
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved sleep

For more information on the remarkable health benefits of chelation therapy, please read Chelation and Other Vital Detox Methods to Save Your Life by Dr. Edward Kondrot (click here).

Comments: Depending on the severity of the condition, a total of 20-40 treatments are needed and are administered twice weekly. Treatment takes about 30 minutes and costs $175. If purchased as a bundle of 10 treatments, the cost is $1575. That is a 10% reduction from the single-treatment price. To see a copy of the informed consent, click here.